To say that criminality is about the "sex" suggests a starting point.Within our sexual fantasies, stemming from inherent ideation, the concentric psycho-bio-nature is built upon many layers of individual development.The sensuality of human nature merges within a mental matrix of multiple configurations.Of which present and future potential acting out is significant.Not so much are past experiences important, but more so for future anticipation of activity.Our sexual sense, we move across the varied spectrums of life.Encounter multi-dimensional aspects of thoughtful eroticisms.Our quest is a salacious journey.Pleasures of personal cover a range of ideations, fantasies and subsequent wishful realities.It's the libidinous impulse to personal discovery, creativity and interpersonal activities.Our sensual nature is that which we create relevant for personal existence.It's the organic process of understanding personal sexual identity.Sensually, we can chase pro-social endeavors.Or, within the scope of prurient passions, exhibit anti-social expressions of destructiveness.Inside "concentric rings of consciousness", sexual motivations inspire personal interpretations for interactivity with others."Psycho-sexual energies" are basic to every human experience.Each of us remains influenced by the elemental aspects of biological consistency.Through personal exploration, People learn to deal with communal constraints.Desires, yearnings and perceived needs, struggle for balance in making correct choices.Ideation transforms thoughts into potential actions.Fantasy calls for fruition to reality.Neural networks reinforce the innovative conceptions for activity.Eroticism displays the context of individual expression.On the dark side, we're tempted to flirt with criminality.The transition is a matter of willful seduction.Erotic behavior is a normative process.To this end, innate lasciviousness contends with social conventions.In a broader scheme, motives, intentions and purposes stem from these inner drives of individual sensuality.Of which we can suggest our propensity to seductions in a multiplicity of conducts.Criminal behavior is the representation of our personal amorous persuasions.On occasions, the neural interactions we manifest slant toward social deviancy.And, consequently, follow the furtherance of criminal activity of various scales.In the process, rational thinking considers alternatives to cloak the truth of internal urges.Likewise, deception is human nature's proclivity to salaciously evade the reality of culpability.When caught for an illegal act, we find clever ways to find an alibi.Attraction to criminality is indicative of personal self-interests.As human beings, we remain largely egocentric.By illusion, sleight of hand, cloak and dagger capers conceal our real motives.Our sexuality transforms individual decision-making.How we grow, mature and develop link to positive evocative attitudes about sexuality.In opposition to dogmatic oppressions, and sexual suppressions, people react differently in the liberation of the erotic ideations.Choices are made for personal self-centered pleasures in spite of all the societal sanctions.There's commonality in our seduction to criminal complicity.Psychic linkages contend in the transitions from sexual urging to spiritual emerging.Libidinous proclivities challenge social consensus in numerous ways.From adultery to zoophilia, people play out their internal urge to be seduced by various communal transgressions.There are times when we permit our bondage to rules, regulations and conformity to weaken.People like the darkness of their temperament.And, we're willing to chance the attendant circumstances, socio-economic statuses, or environmental conditions to get our way.People decide individual courses of action, no matter their child-rearing, neighborhood or hereditary origin.We make choices including malice aforethought in premeditate sensuality.In spite of our childhood misfortunes, we pick our transgressions, the sins we like and pains of pleasure.Of which, criminality bears neural linkage to inner erotic proclivities.Our salacious inducements to criminality are in the stimulation derived from subsequent experiences.To which, the desire for personal acquisition of the sexual objective transforms into reality.Social and psychological behavior theories to the contrary, the things we do are all about getting what we want.Satisfying those deep inner urges.At best, behavioral theories are guidelines, often misleading, illogical and ambiguous.In the overall scheme of things, most explanations notoriously fail to provide significant illumination into the ideation of human beings.We miss the point of our salacious nature, which transcend the sensual, the sexual and spiritual.The seduction in our sexuality intersects the perception of desire, opportunity and mental state, or "mind-set".For some of us, sexuality becomes a weapon.A mechanism to hurt, injure and inflict homicidal aberrations.We'll find ways to vent internal amorous anxieties.From little acts of malfeasance to larger acts of genocidal destructiveness.Humankind can be very creative in areas of sexual deviancy.Yet, seduction to criminality is not viewed as the usual contemporary assessment.Such a notion is often overlooked.We suppress the possibility that these strong amative sensations might offer realistic probabilities.Instead, many socio-psychological theories struggle for other explanations.Instead of looking inside the realm of human cognitive creativity, the pseudo-sciences often look to external causes.When is comes to the human sexual nature, there appears a strong libidinous connectivity to every aspect of life.And, crime, in particular is a good suspect.Eroticism is the internal drive mechanism by which we experience life.In that exploration, people are capable of the heinous of actions.In the psychic regions of the "mind", we're attracted to an internal illumination that offers varying shades of darkness.In consideration of criminal behavior, criminals often boast about their sexual powers.Regarding the criminal inclination, being "sexually potent" is the essence of asserting one's power, dominance and control over another.Eroticisms manifest and transcend the consensual interactions, and drive into the nature of the conquest.The stimulation of the biological urge finds an outlet in acquisition of another person or property.By contrast, in western cultures, we have learned to restrain innate naturalistic tendencies.Instead of liberation, we embrace oppression of the inner urges we feel.As a replacement, hasty generalizations, based on theoretical constructs, confuse the matrix of human motives.In our own sexually frustrated confusion, we foster a maze of Fallacies of inference.Then, set about to support the hypothesis by the vice of limited statistical data.As a result, we contrive templates of stereotypic labels for "one-size fits all" categorization.This in turn reinforces simplistic forms, images and static comparisons, making one human look like everyone else.Behavioral reductionisms allow for the pop culture's fascination with "psychic detectives and serial profilers".Uncomplicated and easy to explain, theories turn magic tricks into side-shows of distorted belief systems.Make fools of the sages, confound the public and spin news into media entertainment.In the mythology of getting "inside the criminal mind", we generate the imagery of misguided social policy.And, ruse illusions of psychological quick fix schemes.During all this fiction in the erection of myth, magic and metaphor, we overlook the essence of human motivations.The self-centered willfulness of naturalistic prurient passions.A kind of mirrored reflection of one's duality in both good and evil.Sometimes it's procreative, sometimes recreational and sometimes destructive.None the less, the lascivious aspects reside in cryptic darkness of potential deadliness.This is the sphere of mysterious human thoughts.In the seductiveness to our criminal nature, we feel the compelling force of our own complicity.Its gothic murkiness is alluring, exciting and occasionally repulsive.In our pretentiousness to civility, people can easily play innocent.However, we're quick to lurk close to anything tragic, macabre, and illicit.To smell the odor of foul play, humans can be thrilled by the prospects of something taboo, deviant or devilish.People are a paradox of obsessions, desires and cravings, in which secret indulgence remain hidden.The depth of this expanse of consciousness, which mediates between the subconscious layers, is difficult to comprehend.Within the scope and framework of our sexuality, we strive to understand the multifaceted influence of concupiscent energies.People, by personal choice, can easily descend or ascent in any direction of sensuality.For which, our response might be either positive or negative.Perhaps even neutral or neutered, depending on the fascination, obsession or dysfunction.Flirtations with life and death issues stem from such libidinous instinctual motivations.It's our impulse to life to safeguard the inspiration for personal discovery.At the same, instead of lawful deeds, we can invent unlawful applications of aberrant intentions.By contrast, public misconceptions from television dramas are permitted to alter "reality" in conflict with fact.For example, in the sensate facets of "gothic criminology", reference is made to the evolving "dark" character of contemporary entertainment media.Fact is mugged by fiction to create the perception of two-dimensional non-reality.Merging the sensations from the "reel" with the "real", we tend to accept criminality in mythic ways.Conjured up by fables that distract public perceptions.In so doing, we are inclined to believe fictionalized movies more often that the reality of real life.Public policy and news media reporting overlooks the real compulsions of power, aggression and domination.With regard to criminally deviant behaviors, fairy tales fuel the imagination of getting "inside the criminal mind".Or, "hunting monsters" as "criminal profilers".For which Hannibal Lecter has the last laugh.There's an affinity human beings have for vampiric forms of demonic fabrication.The impetus to action, by virtue of one's temperament is ignited from the connections between our sensual, sexual and spiritual elements.Personal nature reflects a sexual nature.There's a strong notion of amorous compulsion tugging the curiosity of individual inclinations.Wishful stimulations surface sooner or later, in one form or another.Yet, inside us, we're holding back the truth of erotic yearnings.Human nature finds potency in libido in spite of dogma, creed or other diversion.Likewise, so does the bent toward criminality.Thinking conjures a multiplicity of seductive possibilities.We find ways to unleash the pressure of psycho-sexual energies.The fruition of willful psychic forces is summoned by the creative sensations of neural networks.Our contrived compulsions lend credence to getting what we want.Take what we need.Exploit, conquer and overcome risks to get it.Exhibit power, control and domination as expressions of deeply sensed sensuality.Within the extraordinary mental landscape, sexuality struggles for identity.As a result, we allow ourselves to be seduced by the sensuality of criminal behavior.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
The Sensuality of Criminal Behavior
To say that criminality is about the "sex" suggests a starting point.Within our sexual fantasies, stemming from inherent ideation, the concentric psycho-bio-nature is built upon many layers of individual development.The sensuality of human nature merges within a mental matrix of multiple configurations.Of which present and future potential acting out is significant.Not so much are past experiences important, but more so for future anticipation of activity.Our sexual sense, we move across the varied spectrums of life.Encounter multi-dimensional aspects of thoughtful eroticisms.Our quest is a salacious journey.Pleasures of personal cover a range of ideations, fantasies and subsequent wishful realities.It's the libidinous impulse to personal discovery, creativity and interpersonal activities.Our sensual nature is that which we create relevant for personal existence.It's the organic process of understanding personal sexual identity.Sensually, we can chase pro-social endeavors.Or, within the scope of prurient passions, exhibit anti-social expressions of destructiveness.Inside "concentric rings of consciousness", sexual motivations inspire personal interpretations for interactivity with others."Psycho-sexual energies" are basic to every human experience.Each of us remains influenced by the elemental aspects of biological consistency.Through personal exploration, People learn to deal with communal constraints.Desires, yearnings and perceived needs, struggle for balance in making correct choices.Ideation transforms thoughts into potential actions.Fantasy calls for fruition to reality.Neural networks reinforce the innovative conceptions for activity.Eroticism displays the context of individual expression.On the dark side, we're tempted to flirt with criminality.The transition is a matter of willful seduction.Erotic behavior is a normative process.To this end, innate lasciviousness contends with social conventions.In a broader scheme, motives, intentions and purposes stem from these inner drives of individual sensuality.Of which we can suggest our propensity to seductions in a multiplicity of conducts.Criminal behavior is the representation of our personal amorous persuasions.On occasions, the neural interactions we manifest slant toward social deviancy.And, consequently, follow the furtherance of criminal activity of various scales.In the process, rational thinking considers alternatives to cloak the truth of internal urges.Likewise, deception is human nature's proclivity to salaciously evade the reality of culpability.When caught for an illegal act, we find clever ways to find an alibi.Attraction to criminality is indicative of personal self-interests.As human beings, we remain largely egocentric.By illusion, sleight of hand, cloak and dagger capers conceal our real motives.Our sexuality transforms individual decision-making.How we grow, mature and develop link to positive evocative attitudes about sexuality.In opposition to dogmatic oppressions, and sexual suppressions, people react differently in the liberation of the erotic ideations.Choices are made for personal self-centered pleasures in spite of all the societal sanctions.There's commonality in our seduction to criminal complicity.Psychic linkages contend in the transitions from sexual urging to spiritual emerging.Libidinous proclivities challenge social consensus in numerous ways.From adultery to zoophilia, people play out their internal urge to be seduced by various communal transgressions.There are times when we permit our bondage to rules, regulations and conformity to weaken.People like the darkness of their temperament.And, we're willing to chance the attendant circumstances, socio-economic statuses, or environmental conditions to get our way.People decide individual courses of action, no matter their child-rearing, neighborhood or hereditary origin.We make choices including malice aforethought in premeditate sensuality.In spite of our childhood misfortunes, we pick our transgressions, the sins we like and pains of pleasure.Of which, criminality bears neural linkage to inner erotic proclivities.Our salacious inducements to criminality are in the stimulation derived from subsequent experiences.To which, the desire for personal acquisition of the sexual objective transforms into reality.Social and psychological behavior theories to the contrary, the things we do are all about getting what we want.Satisfying those deep inner urges.At best, behavioral theories are guidelines, often misleading, illogical and ambiguous.In the overall scheme of things, most explanations notoriously fail to provide significant illumination into the ideation of human beings.We miss the point of our salacious nature, which transcend the sensual, the sexual and spiritual.The seduction in our sexuality intersects the perception of desire, opportunity and mental state, or "mind-set".For some of us, sexuality becomes a weapon.A mechanism to hurt, injure and inflict homicidal aberrations.We'll find ways to vent internal amorous anxieties.From little acts of malfeasance to larger acts of genocidal destructiveness.Humankind can be very creative in areas of sexual deviancy.Yet, seduction to criminality is not viewed as the usual contemporary assessment.Such a notion is often overlooked.We suppress the possibility that these strong amative sensations might offer realistic probabilities.Instead, many socio-psychological theories struggle for other explanations.Instead of looking inside the realm of human cognitive creativity, the pseudo-sciences often look to external causes.When is comes to the human sexual nature, there appears a strong libidinous connectivity to every aspect of life.And, crime, in particular is a good suspect.Eroticism is the internal drive mechanism by which we experience life.In that exploration, people are capable of the heinous of actions.In the psychic regions of the "mind", we're attracted to an internal illumination that offers varying shades of darkness.In consideration of criminal behavior, criminals often boast about their sexual powers.Regarding the criminal inclination, being "sexually potent" is the essence of asserting one's power, dominance and control over another.Eroticisms manifest and transcend the consensual interactions, and drive into the nature of the conquest.The stimulation of the biological urge finds an outlet in acquisition of another person or property.By contrast, in western cultures, we have learned to restrain innate naturalistic tendencies.Instead of liberation, we embrace oppression of the inner urges we feel.As a replacement, hasty generalizations, based on theoretical constructs, confuse the matrix of human motives.In our own sexually frustrated confusion, we foster a maze of Fallacies of inference.Then, set about to support the hypothesis by the vice of limited statistical data.As a result, we contrive templates of stereotypic labels for "one-size fits all" categorization.This in turn reinforces simplistic forms, images and static comparisons, making one human look like everyone else.Behavioral reductionisms allow for the pop culture's fascination with "psychic detectives and serial profilers".Uncomplicated and easy to explain, theories turn magic tricks into side-shows of distorted belief systems.Make fools of the sages, confound the public and spin news into media entertainment.In the mythology of getting "inside the criminal mind", we generate the imagery of misguided social policy.And, ruse illusions of psychological quick fix schemes.During all this fiction in the erection of myth, magic and metaphor, we overlook the essence of human motivations.The self-centered willfulness of naturalistic prurient passions.A kind of mirrored reflection of one's duality in both good and evil.Sometimes it's procreative, sometimes recreational and sometimes destructive.None the less, the lascivious aspects reside in cryptic darkness of potential deadliness.This is the sphere of mysterious human thoughts.In the seductiveness to our criminal nature, we feel the compelling force of our own complicity.Its gothic murkiness is alluring, exciting and occasionally repulsive.In our pretentiousness to civility, people can easily play innocent.However, we're quick to lurk close to anything tragic, macabre, and illicit.To smell the odor of foul play, humans can be thrilled by the prospects of something taboo, deviant or devilish.People are a paradox of obsessions, desires and cravings, in which secret indulgence remain hidden.The depth of this expanse of consciousness, which mediates between the subconscious layers, is difficult to comprehend.Within the scope and framework of our sexuality, we strive to understand the multifaceted influence of concupiscent energies.People, by personal choice, can easily descend or ascent in any direction of sensuality.For which, our response might be either positive or negative.Perhaps even neutral or neutered, depending on the fascination, obsession or dysfunction.Flirtations with life and death issues stem from such libidinous instinctual motivations.It's our impulse to life to safeguard the inspiration for personal discovery.At the same, instead of lawful deeds, we can invent unlawful applications of aberrant intentions.By contrast, public misconceptions from television dramas are permitted to alter "reality" in conflict with fact.For example, in the sensate facets of "gothic criminology", reference is made to the evolving "dark" character of contemporary entertainment media.Fact is mugged by fiction to create the perception of two-dimensional non-reality.Merging the sensations from the "reel" with the "real", we tend to accept criminality in mythic ways.Conjured up by fables that distract public perceptions.In so doing, we are inclined to believe fictionalized movies more often that the reality of real life.Public policy and news media reporting overlooks the real compulsions of power, aggression and domination.With regard to criminally deviant behaviors, fairy tales fuel the imagination of getting "inside the criminal mind".Or, "hunting monsters" as "criminal profilers".For which Hannibal Lecter has the last laugh.There's an affinity human beings have for vampiric forms of demonic fabrication.The impetus to action, by virtue of one's temperament is ignited from the connections between our sensual, sexual and spiritual elements.Personal nature reflects a sexual nature.There's a strong notion of amorous compulsion tugging the curiosity of individual inclinations.Wishful stimulations surface sooner or later, in one form or another.Yet, inside us, we're holding back the truth of erotic yearnings.Human nature finds potency in libido in spite of dogma, creed or other diversion.Likewise, so does the bent toward criminality.Thinking conjures a multiplicity of seductive possibilities.We find ways to unleash the pressure of psycho-sexual energies.The fruition of willful psychic forces is summoned by the creative sensations of neural networks.Our contrived compulsions lend credence to getting what we want.Take what we need.Exploit, conquer and overcome risks to get it.Exhibit power, control and domination as expressions of deeply sensed sensuality.Within the extraordinary mental landscape, sexuality struggles for identity.As a result, we allow ourselves to be seduced by the sensuality of criminal behavior.
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